I despise routine. From experience I realize that I'm probably in the minority on this issue but it is true. Routine is the antithesis of creativity & innovation. As soon as we fall into a routine, we quit thinking about the processes that we live by and slip into auto-pilot. Once there, we no longer seek out ideas that could improve our lives.
A very simple example of this is to switch sides of the bed with your partner (this is far less impactful if you sleep alone). This simple act will generate an amazing array of new thoughts and experiences. The way that you turn and lay will be different. You will interact with your partner in a new and different way. And believe it or not, this simple act will cause your brain to process the world around you differently for a short while.
It's not always comfortable to make a change such as this. You might in fact find it hard to fall asleep the first night in this "foreign" position. But your awareness of the situation will soar. And that gets your mind working in a very positive way. You may find yourself being able to work through problems that have perplexed you all day (either while lying awake or in your dream state). In the morning, your routine will be varied causing you to start "thinking" much sooner than is typical.
Awareness is huge step toward change and creativity. Change sides of the bed. Get out of auto-pilot. See what the next day brings...
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